Thursday, February 18, 2010

Am I gaining?

I don't think so, but I'm not so sure that I'm losing either.

I come home from working out - FAMISHED. I think I'm eating more now, I wish someone had told me sooner - not to Over eat. Yeesh! I knew to watch what I eat, but I didn't really pay that close attention. I will from now on.

Yesterday I ate over 2200 calories. I didn't mean to... I didn't plan on it. This is going to be uber tough. This morning I had some fruit - 150 Cal. It's not lunch yet, and I'm not hungry, yet. This is where it gets tricky - I'll want to eat a lot at Lunch so that I don't eat a TON at dinnertime. See I have this awful habit of eating a lot, late at night. I really need to curb that too, huh?

I've made it a week without Chocolate, well not completely - I had one treat, a slice of cake.. but mostly I avoid it. ... it's actually doable.

I'm not going to the gym today - I had an hour long belly dance practice last night - and tomorrow is our performance. So today is rest day!

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